New FREE Video Resource: Legislation Impacting Christians
Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty is pleased to offer this insightful three-part discussion with LCMS Michigan District President, Rev. David A. Davis and Travis Grulke which focuses on legislation impacting Christians and how we can respond faithfully. The videos cover:
Key legislative actions affecting the church.
Positive impacts Christians can make on government.
The proper Christian posture toward culture.
We suggest you watch these timely videos with a small group to discuss and reflect using the accompanying study guide to facilitate conversation around the critical issues raised. This isn’t a fight any one of us can win alone. It truly takes the unified voice of a community of people to be heard and to impact change!
As we observe the government’s encroachment into our lives, Christian’s must speak up for the sake of our culture and the mission of the church.
For issues of liberty, life, marriage and education, Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty provides education and resources to inspire and equip believers to be effective two-kingdom citizens who bless our communities.
Resources like this video series are made possible by generous donors like you. You can help provide even more resources like this with a financial donation. Your gift will:
Help fill the resource center with more videos, podcasts, blog posts and white papers.
Help actively promote the resource center to people who are desperately searching for Biblical truth and a Christian worldview.
Help encourage and equip believers with Biblical truth so they can be more effective in our battle for Christ and culture.
We want to equip men and women to defend and advocate for the heart and core of individual freedoms and religious liberty.
Your gift to support LCRL will do just that. Will you join us on this important mission?
Yes, I want to help resource Christians to effectively engage culture and advocate for religious liberty!